As 2024 unfolds, the anticipation for the GACE Spring Conference in Savannah, Georgia is palpable. Mark your calendars for an enlightening experience from March 5-8 at the illustrious Riverfront Marriott in Savannah. We’re thrilled to announce that Brenda and I will be contributing a selection of exquisite cutting boards to the Silent Auction, all in support of the formidable GACE Scholarship program. Additionally, we will have a variety of stunning boards available for purchase during the event. Here’s a sneak peek at the meticulously crafted boards that are all set and ready to be showcased.
As I finish more cutting and butter boards, I will post the new images here.
The three boards shown below are not going to Savannah. I made those boards for some friends of mine. They are made of walnut and hard maple. The approximate size of each board is 8″ x 12″ x 1 3/4″.
Due to unforeseen circumstances, we couldn’t go to Savannah and I decided to give these boards to my friends and family. I made some of them with a brick pattern, using ash and purpleheart as the materials. I think they look pretty good.
Brenda and I go to the Saddle Up Saloon in Smithfield to sing karaoke on Sunday and Wednesday nights. I took four of the butter boards and gave them to the young ladies that also sing.