Fancy Brick Pattern Cutting Boards For Sale

I built these brick pattern cutting boards from padauk and hard maple.

I first glued up the strips using TiteBond III and allowed them to cure overnight. The next day, I cut the blanks into 1 3/4″ strips. I then sanded the cut edges and sides to remove any errant splinters. The strips were then reglued by flipping the alternate strips to create the brick pattern.

After the boards had cured for a day or so, I ran each board through my flattening jig and then hand sanded each board until it was smooth. The boards got the customary sanding through 120, 180, 220 and 320 grit sandpapers.

Once I had finished, I coated the boards with food-grade mineral oil and then allowed then to sit overnight and allow the oil to soak in. After that process, the brick pattern cutting boards were then coated with my special Board Butter and then packaged them up.

I’m not going through the entire construction process. it is essentially the same for all end-grained cutting boards.

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