I had a request to build several noodle boards for Christmas presents. So, it was off the Lowes for some materials. Since time was limited and I have to work outdoors, I started with 24x36x3/4-inch appearance boards. I cut them down to size and gave them a good sanding using 220-grit paper. The sides or handles were created using SYP planed down to 3/4-inches.
I ordered the decals from Amazon and used Minwax stain for the boards. One of the boards is stained with Expresso and the other with Dark Walnut. I started with a base using 4 coats of Minwax Polyurethane oil based. I sanded each layer after it had dried. I then applied the decals and finished off with 3 coats of Minwax water-based Poly. I sanded each layer until it was smooth. The final layer had a high-gloss sheen and hopefully, it will protect the decals.
The finished products went to my daughter from her husband and the other was a gift to my granddaughter from Us. My granddaughter originally wanted me to build her a board. I figured since it was Christmas, give her the board for her present.